About Us


The Network of Sacred Heart Schools finds its origin in the vision of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat. She considered the service of education as the primary means by which the Society would carry on its mission of communicating the love of the Heart of Jesus. For her, education was never the end. The end was to make God's love known and to rebuild the fractured world in hope; the means was forming young people to intelligent faith, compassionate action and courageous hope. 

The Network has evolved from the first Sacred Heart school founded by Sophie in Amiens, France in 1801 to the founding of the Academy of the Sacred Heart in St. Charles in 1818 by Philippine, to the welcoming of St. Philomena School in 2021. The Network was initially an informal system of relationships. Today the Network is a formal 501c3 celebrating the experience of Sacred Heart Schools in Canada and the United States united in mission. The USC Network is one of several Sacred Heart School Networks across the globe.
Schools of the Sacred Heart share in the educational mission of the Society of the Sacred Heart as articulated in the Goals and Criteria. The structure supporting Sacred Heart education in Canada and the United States includes the Conference of Sacred Heart Education and the Network of Sacred Heart Schools.  Together they provide services and programs to ensure vitality of mission for the member schools sponsored by the Society of the Sacred Heart.